Fly problems are entirely controllable under professional care. Our treatment goal is to stop a problem at its source so it doesn’t keep coming back. Using state-of-the art equipment and methods, our licensed exterminators will inspect your home’s environment and construction to identify the problem and determine the best course of action. Contact us today!
Flies are generally attracted to decaying organic matter and their control depends on stopping the infestations before they get started. The first step in the control is elimination of breeding places and good sanitation.The fly thrives in human environment and flourishes on the same kinds of food and temperatures. It also breeds and reproduces in the wastes left by people.
A fly will eat anything and everything that is soluble. Any decaying animal or vegetable material may serve as food. The favored breeding places of flies include fresh manure, human and other animal excreta, and garbage. In fact, any decaying matter that has a moist consistency, including grass clippings will attract flies. The female fly will lay her eggs in clusters of 100 to 150. With heat primarily from the sun, and other favorable conditions, the eggs hatch into larvae, or maggots in as little as eight hours.
Flies are not just a nuisance, but also some of the most deadly carriers of disease. In North America alone, there are 16,000 types of flies. Some of them eat by vomiting on their food to break it down, some of them eat or lay eggs in dead animals, some of them are bloodsuckers, most of them love to feed on garbage.
Unfortunately, they carry whatever pathogens they pick up along the way on their hairy legs and in their mouths. So when they land on your arm (or your food), they pass these pathogens on.
The fly most frequently associated with man is the common housefly and it has long been known to be a carrier of diseases. Among the most important are dysentery, cholera, typhoid, infantile or summer diarrhea, pink-eye, tuberculosis and smallpox.